When you need to make a purchase and dont have the cash, you whip out a card and charge it. Need to make a call, but your phone has run out of juice? Charging cables packed away in your luggage? Plunk down your instaCHARGE and restore enough power to make a call or send a few more texts. It can make you rather heroic, especially when traveling with friends. And it brings a whole meaning to the term "charge card".
What You Get :
- instaCHARGE 2800 mAh PowerBank with built-in micro-USB cable
- AC adapter
- USB-to-micro-USB cable
- micro-USB-to-Apple- Lightningconnector adapter
- micro-USB-to-USB socket adapter
- Manual
- Distributorss 90-day limited warranty
Product Attributes:
Weight (lbs.): 0.20 lb
Length (in.): 0.2
Width (in.): 0.32
Height (in.): 0.02